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Copy/Export Graphics Dialog

This dialog lets you copy graphics to the clipboard (Edit > Copy Graphics) or save them in a PICT file (File > Export > Graphics)

About Graphics Formats

CrystalMaker lets you copy graphics to the clipboard, or save them in a file on disc. The graphics format used is the "PICT" format, which is the native format for graphics on the Macintosh. There is a choice of two types of graphics file:-


You can choose what resolution the graphics should be saved in. Resolutions are specified in dots-per-inch ("dpi"), where screen resolution is approximately 72 dpi (actually, "pixels-per-inch"). Many laserprinters operate at 300 dpi, and this gives generally gives very good results. However, the higher the resolution you request, the more memory will be needed in order to render and save the final image. The amount of memory required for pixel-map images is displayed in the dialog window.

IMPORTANT: High-Resolution Vector Graphics and Canvas 5

Some drawing programs such as Canvas 5 have a bug which prevents them from correctly handling high-resolution vector graphics; they degrade the resolution to 72 dpi, resulting in jagged-looking graphics.

There is a workaround, which involves copying a 72 dpi graphic from CrystalMaker at an expanded picture size, and then resizing it in Canvas 5, e.g.,

  1. Select the Edit > Copy Graphics command (or File > Export Graphics). The Copy/Export Graphics dialog appears.
  2. Click the "QuickDraw Picture" radio button.
  3. Specify a resolution of 72 dpi by clicking the "72" radio button in the resolution group.
  4. Choose an expanded picture size by entering a large percentage in the "linear expansion" field (a 400% linear expansion should be sufficient for high-quality vector graphics).
  5. Close the dialog by clicking the OK button.
  6. (If saving graphics to file, you will be prompted for a filename and location.)
  7. Copy or open the graphics file in Canvas 5. Note that the vector graphics are currently grouped into one object.
  8. In Canvas, with the CrystalMaker image selected, choose the Object > Scale... command.
  9. Enter an appropriate size reduction, e.g., if you originally chose a 400% linear expansion, then you should specify a scale factor of 25%. Ensure that the "Scale Pen" and "Scale Text" options are selected.
  10. The graphic will now be resized and its high resolution preserved.

Note that this problem does not affect pixel map images.

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